Bridges - Replacing Missing Teeth
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Fixed bridges, quite simply, replace missing teeth to make chewing easier, improve appearance, and keep your teeth, gums, and jaw healthy.
Bridges consist of one or more replacement teeth attached to the natural teeth next to them. They are made of various metals, porcelain, or a combination of the two.
In short, by replacing missing teeth you can:
- Help restore and maintain a natural bite.
- Prevent unnatural stress on other teeth.
- Help keep opposing teeth in their proper place.
- Prevent shifting and tilting of adjacent teeth.
- Help prevent further dental decay and gum disease.
- Maximize your smile, speech, and chewing function.
Alternatives to fixed bridges include removable partial dentures, which are the most common alternative, or implants with crowns and/or fixed prostheses placed over them.
If you have any further questions about bridges or if you notice a problem with your bridge already in place, please contact Dr. Muyal.
Upper Front Bridge Before
Upper Front Bridge After